Chapter 271 - Shangshanfeng

The Southern Mountain was still quite a distance away from Chang An, so Qin Yuzhen set off in the afternoon, and only came to the Southern Mountain at night.

This was the Daoist Sect's ancestral courtyard, and this was where the Daoist Sect's Martial Ancestor had once passed down the 'Classic of Virtue'.

After arriving here, Qin Yuzhen's heart had become more devout and respectful.

Late that night, she stayed in a nearby Daoist monastery.

She carefully inquired about the location on the treasure map, but no one in the monastery knew.

The morning of the second day, when the sky was just getting brighter, Qin Yuzhen left the temple and entered the depths of Tai Yi Feng.

There were a lot of cultivators hidden in the Southern Mountain. Qin Yuzhen kept asking around, but no one knew the location of the treasure.

She stayed in Tai Yi Feng for three whole days, but still could not find the location.

Until October 10th, when she left Tai Yi Feng and went to the nearby mountains. Compared to the Tai Yi Feng, the other mountain peaks were abnormally "desolate". There were no people on them other than trees.

Deep into the night of October 10th, the Southern Mountain area began to be covered in dark clouds.

On the morning of October eleventh, a light snow began to fall on Southern Mountain.

The road in the mountain was abnormally smooth. At this moment, even a woodcutter would not enter the mountain, because if they were not careful, they would fall into the deep valley, and their lives would be in danger. However, Qin Yuzhen did not have any scruples, her martial arts were exceptionally high quality, and she had already been in the Innate Realm for many years, so even if Lu Slippery did not have any effect on her.

"Where exactly is the location on the treasure map? I've already searched for a few days, so why can't I find it? "

"Master once said, all things are fated. Everything depends on fate. If fate has not come, it is impossible for me to find it. Therefore, there's no need to rush. It's best to slowly search for it. "

The snow gradually grew heavier. The mountain was covered with a vast expanse of whiteness. The scenery was abnormally beautiful.

A layer of snow also fell on Qin Yuzhen's body. She brushed it away, and at this moment, she faintly noticed that there were two houses on the mountainside. Immediately, Qin Yuzhen headed towards the mountainside.

There were trees everywhere on the mountain, and there were no paths in many places. Qin Yuzhen used her Qing Gong to pass through the treetops.

After an hour, she finally arrived at the two houses on the mountainside.

These two houses were built in a very simple manner. Below them were mud walls covered with thatch. These were the simplest thatched huts.

"Is there anyone inside?" Qin Yuzhen found it inconvenient to enter the room, and immediately called out.

Not long after she finished speaking, a young man walked out from the house.

The teenager looked to be around eleven or twelve years old. His eyes were pitch black, and he was constantly rotating. He looked exceptionally agile. His hair was actually tied into a bun. He was actually a young Daoist. The young Daoist's lips were red and his teeth were white. His face was adorable and handsome.

Looking at the little cultivator, Qin Yuzhen was actually stunned.

She could feel an indescribable spiritual energy coming from this little cultivator. It was only the first impression, but she was able to determine that this little cultivator was a cultivation genius and a martial arts practitioner genius! She had seen a lot of cultivators in the past few days in Southern Mountain, but none of them could compare to this young man in front of her.

"Who are you?" At this moment, the little Daoist asked.

"May I ask if this place is also a Taoist temple?" Qin Yuzhen said.

"Of course it's the monastery. Can't you see the words on it?" The little Daoist laughed.

Qin Yuzhen could not help but laugh at the fact that these two small thatched cottages were actually a Taoist temple.

"You're just a small Daoist boy. Is your master here?" Qin Yuzhen said again.

"Of course he's here too!" The little Daoist said.

"Can you take me to see your master?" Qin Yuzhen said.

The little Daoist nodded, and then led Qin Yuzhen to the room beside theirs.

Reaching the door of this room, Qin Yuzhen realized that this house was even more simple and crude, there were some faint cracks on the walls, as though someone had just glued it down not long ago. The little Daoist pushed open the door and found that the inside of the house was "bright". It turned out that there were no windows on the windows of the house, and outside, the cold wind continued to blow.

Qin Yuzhen's clothes were fluttering in the wind.

There were two prayer mats in the room, and there were two people sitting cross-legged on them. One was around thirty years old, while the other appeared to be around sixteen or seventeen.

At this moment, both of them had their eyes closed, as if they were cultivating.

"Master, someone is here to visit you." The little Daoist walked in and without saluting, he stuck out his tongue and said.

"Got it!" The Daoist priest in his thirties nodded and opened his eyes.

He looked at Qin Yuzhen, and revealed a smile.

Qin Yuzhen stood there dumbly, as if she had forgotten everything. There was only this Taoist in front of him.

"Hey!" What's the matter with you? " The little Daoist pushed Qin Yuzhen and asked while looking at her curiously.

Qin Yuzhen blinked her eyes, then looked at the middle aged Daoist Priest, her heart becoming more and more shocked.

The Daoist Priest sat there cross-legged, as if he had become one with the world around him. The house was extremely simple and crude, the Daoist Priest only dressed in ordinary robes, but Qin Yuzhen felt that the person in front of him was releasing a large amount of light. Regardless of whether he was cultivating with his eyes closed or opening them now, the Daoist Priest gave her a feeling of "untainted by a speck of dust, like the bright moon in the sky without a cloud in the sky". This Daoist Priest seemed to be one with the world, but also seemed to be far away from the world, just like how it was not between the heaven and earth.

This was a very high level of cultivation within the sect. It was called "One with the world, One with the world".

Qin Yuzhen's heart was deeply shocked. She had grown up in the mountains, and was a disciple of the Dao. Her sect was renowned throughout the world. Many experts from her sect had appeared, and who knew how many of them had studied the Dao Arts. However, there was no one in the sect who could compare to this middle-aged Daoist Priest. Even her master could not compare to this Daoist priest in front of her.

Such a realm was only recorded in the books. She had never seen anyone cultivate to such a level before. She had never even heard of someone cultivating to such a level.

If someone had cultivated to such a level, perhaps it could be described as a "real person". Since ancient times, ever since Old Zhuang created his dao, the number of people in the world who could cultivate to the realm of the true person could be counted on one's fingers. Legend has it that at the very beginning of the Song Dynasty's founding, Chen Tuan had already cultivated to the realm of the Real People, and disappeared without a trace. After Chen Duo, the Dao Gate no longer had such an expert. But the Daoist in front of him had clearly reached the same level.

The Daoist priest looked at her with a gentle gaze and did not urge her on. On the contrary, the little Daoist nun at the side tsk-tsked and felt that this "female benefactor" was extremely strange.

"Heavenly Mountain Qin Yuzhen greets senior." had already knelt down respectfully and greeted him.

Even when she saw Lin Lingsu, Wu Qing and the others, she had never knelt down to greet them.

"Get up." The middle-aged Spirit Master smiled and said.

Immediately, the little Daoist brought over another praying mat, and Qin Yuzhen sat down crossed legged.

"Senior, may I ask if you have reached the True Soul Realm?" Qin Yuzhen said.

The middle aged Daoist nodded his head, which caused Qin Yuzhen to be shocked and pleasantly surprised.

"Yu Zhen traveled the world but he did not know that such an expert would appear in our sect!" "May I dare to ask your name?" Qin Yuzhen said.

"My surname is Wang, you can call me Dao Elder Wang." The middle-aged Daoist said.

"Dao Elder Wang, I want to ask you for guidance on cultivation." Qin Yuzhen said.

The middle aged Daoist nodded his head, and Qin Yuzhen immediately asked.

She asked very detailed questions, which the middle-aged Daoist replied to without end. In these few years, she had accumulated many questions, some of them even her master was unable to answer, and when she saw Lin Lingsu, Lin Lingsu was also unable to answer them all. Every word of this Taoist made her ponder deeply.

"In our sect's cultivation, talismans are not the most important thing, and Huang Bai's alchemy is not the most important. Only when one has no intention to forget his words, is it gentle, weak, quiet, and sincere can one cultivate to the Great Dao." The Grand Dao was divided into true arts and true arts. Genuine skills are internal cultivation. Cultivators generally use insight and insight to rid themselves of lust, endure shame and impurities, and benefit from their own efforts to cultivate their own sect. The real thing is to practice external cultivation, to save people, to benefit the world. Other than cultivation, one also needs to cultivate their life. There are many paths of cultivation. The Heaven Mountain Martial Arts you mentioned before is also a life cultivating technique, but it has some flaws. Only by cultivating Twin Lives will one be able to become an Immortal. " The middle-aged Daoist answered many of her questions and slowly said.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior!" Qin Yuzhen said in an exceptionally respectful manner.

"They are all people who train in the Great Dao. There's no way to guide them." The middle-aged Daoist laughed.

"Senior said that cultivation is divided into true arts and true arts, but since senior is in the mountains, how can you achieve true perfection?" Qin Yuzhen said.

"I have also gone down the mountain to treat people, and have done many things … You will know in the future. " The middle-aged Daoist said.

"I am preparing to go down the mountain and preach in Shandong Province." The middle-aged Daoist said.

"Seems like the Dao Generals are in trouble!" Qin Yuzhen said excitedly.

Although she didn't say much, she could tell that this middle-aged Daoist was an exceptional figure that hadn't been seen in a thousand years! If such a person were to come to the outside world and preach, he would most likely become the leader of the Daoist Sect! Then, a righteous clan that was on the same level as the Shaolin Temple would immediately appear!

"Not only is our sect flourishing, the entire world is going to experience a drastic change." The middle-aged Daoist looked off into the distance and said indifferently.

"Senior, please guide me!" Qin Yuzhen said.

At this moment, the middle-aged Daoist Priest had already closed his eyes and no longer paid any attention to her.

Qin Yuzhen sat there in a daze, and only after a long while did she shake her head.

At this moment, she noticed that the 16-17 year old man in the room had opened his eyes and was looking at her.

"Fellow Daoist, this way please!" Seeing that the young man was also dressed in dao attire, Qin Yuzhen said.

"You came to the Virtuous Mountain of Southern Mountain just to ask my master a question?" The sixteen or seventeen year old youth laughed.

"I have something else to do. I really did not expect to meet such an expert in the depths of the mountains. It is truly a great fortune. " Qin Yuzhen said.

"Oh? What else do you want? You must be knocking on our door for this matter, right? " A sixteen or seventeen year old youth said.

Qin Yuzhen was startled, she did not think that this youth's thoughts would be so acute. She immediately nodded, and said: "That's right."

She started to ask about the location recorded in the treasure map. The teenager pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Qin Yuzhen was a little disappointed in her heart, and said: "You all live deep in the mountains, yet you don't know?"

The youth said with a smile, "I came here two days ago. Since Master is going to preach in Shandong, I came here to send him off. I am not too clear about the terrain of this mountain. "

Qin Yuzhen finally understood and said: "Thank you."

The youth continued, "Although I'm not sure, but this junior brother of mine grew up in the mountains. Perhaps he knows."

Qin Yuzhen did not know whether to laugh or cry. The youth waved her hand, and the eleven year old little daoist boy came to his side. Qin Yuzhen took out the treasure map and the little Daoist studied it carefully. After a while, he let out a "heh"!

"You know?" Qin Yuzhen said in pleasant surprise.

"Hmm, this seems to be the terrain of a mountain in the east." The little Daoist said.

"That's great! Please advise me. " Qin Yuzhen said.

"That place is extremely secretive. Even if I were to point it out, you might not be able to find it. "I don't think so. I'll take you there." The little Daoist said.

"This …" Qin Yuzhen was startled for a moment, and said: "The road is extremely dangerous, I can go there, but I will bring you along …"

She was a woman. Although this little Daoist was only eleven or twelve years old and innocent, men and women were not close. It would not be appropriate for her to bring this little Daoist along.

"I think it's better if we go together with you." The sixteen or seventeen year old youth stood up and said.

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